Customer Satisfaction

At Broker Trust Insurance Inc, we pride ourselves on the connections we make with customers, and we’re here to provide excellent customer service.

Customer Concern Guidelines

If you have any concerns, we encourage you to review the following steps to resolve it.

Step 1: Resolve the problem at the source

When you have a concern, we recommend that you start at the source. Speak to the representative of the department involved, for example: your broker, insurance advisor, producer etc. It is usually quicker and easier to check the facts and find a solution at the point where the problem occurred.

Gather the facts. We recommend that you have all relevant information handy prior to contacting your broker, such as:

  • Details of your complaint, including your policy and/or claim numbers.
  • Supporting documents and important dates.
  • The names of any employees you have connected with previously.

Step 2: Contact the manager

If your complaint is not resolved after completing Step 1, you can escalate the matter to the department manager. The Broker Trust Insurance employee you’re speaking with will be able to provide you with the contact details of the department manager.

Please have all the relevant information available prior to contacting the Broker Trust Insurance manager, including:

  • Details of your complaint including your policy and/or claim numbers.
  • Supporting documents and important dates.
  • The names of any employees you have connected with.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • A manager will contact you about your concerns.
  • The manager will provide the estimated time frame required to review your file.
  • The manager will conduct a thorough review of your file and the concerns you have raised and then provide you with a clear response regarding Broker Trust Insurance’s position on the matter.
  • Any further action that can be taken with respect to your concern will be discussed with you and/or forwarded to you in writing.

Step 3: Customer Experience Team

Broker Trust Insurance is part of BrokerLink, so if your concern remains unresolved, the Broker Trust Insurance manager will escalate your concern to the BrokerLink Customer Experience Team.

The BrokerLink Customer Experience Team will open a file and assign a representative to investigate your complaint and provide you with a final business decision.

Step 4: Escalation to the office of the Ombudsperson

If you remain dissatisfied after speaking to the Customer Experience Team, your concern may be escalated to the BrokerLink Ombudsperson for an independent review. Please note, the BrokerLink Ombudsperson will not review a concern that has not gone through Steps 1 and 3 above first.

Any concern escalated to the BrokerLink Ombudsperson should be made in writing. Please include the following information when escalating your concern:

  • Summary of your concern.
  • List of all unresolved issues.
  • The reason you feel your concerns have not been resolved at Steps 1 and 3 above.
  • Any documentation or information that you would like to have reviewed.
  • What you would like the outcome to be.

The role of the BrokerLink Ombudsperson is to conduct an independent and impartial investigation of your concern. The objective of this investigation is to examine whether your file was handled fairly and appropriately.

What can I expect when I contact the BrokerLink Ombudsperson?

The BrokerLink Ombudsperson will work with you to try and resolve your concern in a fair and impartial manner.

For concerns that are not easily resolved or require a full investigation, the BrokerLink Ombudsperson will provide you with a formal written response. A written response is usually completed within 30 business days, however, depending on the complexity of the issues, more time may be necessary to complete a thorough review of your file. You will be updated on the progress of your concern if more time is required.

When the BrokerLink Ombudsperson has reviewed your concern and provided you with a response, your file will be considered closed. Your file will not be reopened unless you can present new and relevant documentation or information for further consideration.